Sunday, January 26, 2020
Realism And Grotesque In Gullivers Travels English Literature Essay
Realism And Grotesque In Gullivers Travels English Literature Essay Gullivers Travels is a pivotal work in the history of the novel as it exhibits the ways the novel inherits and develops Menippean satire and grotesque aesthetics. Gullivers Travels has rarely been regarded as a proper early novel like Robinson Crusoe or Pamela largely due to two conventional understandings of genre and aesthetics. The first common understanding is that the novel and Menippean satire are mutually exclusive genres. Critics have turned to Menippean satire as if to argue that the genre of Gullivers Travels is kind of a prose fiction that is not the novel. Northrop Frye, for instance, begins his discussion of Gullivers Travels by mentioning that most people would call Gullivers Travels fiction but not a novel. It must then be another form of fiction, i.e. Menippean satire (308). In turn, critics who claim Gullivers Travels as a novel tend to ignore the Menippean tradition of the work; Maximillian Novak asserts that once we consider Gullivers Travels as a work of fiction, we cannot shunt it off into a meaningless category such as anatomy or Menippean satire, in his reading of the work as a picaresque novel(35). The second conventional idea is that the grotesque and realism are also two disparate aesthetic realms, and that grotesque aesthetics in Gullivers Travels- from its use of the fantastic, metamorphosis, or the mad man theme to its excremental vision-does not fit into the realistic aesthetic of the novel. The seeming generic instability of Gullivers Travels mostly derives from our preconceived notion of the novel as a genre of probable realism with verisimilar characters and plausible plots. In fact, even the most acute critics of Swift are not entirely free from this prevalent given notion of what the novel should be. Brean Hammond, who appropriates Bakhtins conception of novelization to explain the cultural shifts of the long eighteenth century toward a hybridization that breaks down traditionally observed generic boundaries, surprisingly turn s to a conventional notion of the novel when he argues that Gullivers Travels is not a novel like Robinson Crusoe partly because Gulliver is not a character like Crusoe, a character who is a credible approximation of a human being,-i.e. a verisimilar character-but a device that can be exploited for satiric purposes(250, 270). Hammond is right that [Gullivers Travels] is ideologically opposed to the set of attitudes and beliefs that was fuelling the development of the novel as a genre; part of the intention of the work lies in the parody of Robinson Crusoe or the stuff of 1720s romanceby Haywood, as he remarks(270). That does not mean, however, that Gullivers Travels is not a novel. Swift might have intended his Menippean work partly as a Scriblerian satire that attacks modern hack writings. Paradoxically, or according to the process of novelization, however, Gullivers Travels turned out to be a significant addition to the novelistic tradition; the novelistic energies that Swift desp ised and denigrated boomeranged and informed his satire, and transformed it into a novel. Gullivers Travels is not exhaustively explained by our conventional notion of the novel, but it does not mean that it is not a novel. Rather, Swifts work characteristically challenges our common notion of the novel, and reveals the rich tradition of Menippean satire that is absorbed in the novel. In a similar vein, the grotesque aesthetics of Gullivers Travels belies our confined notion of realism, or realistic aesthetics. It manifests that (novelistic) realism is not limited to probable realism, a mixture of empirical episteme and the modern transformation of classical mimetic aesthetics, but also involves low realism-crudely put, an antonym of idealism or classicism. At a superficial level, the grotesque and realism could look like two separate or almost opposite notions. Geoffrey Harpham and Mikhail Bakhtin, however, illustrate that the grotesque and realism are compatible notions at a fundamental level, and that the history of the grotesque is also the history of the recognition of that compatibility. Harpham provides a useful account of the shift of the notion of the relation between the grotesque and realism. According to him, while the Renaissance regarded grottesche as pure fantasy, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries we find [the grotesque] associated with car icature in.. .Rowlandson, Hogarth, Goya, most of whom we would not associate with fantastic art, and by the beginning of the twentieth century.. .Thomas Mann commented.. .that the grotesque was properly something more than the truth, something real in the extreme.' According to this narrative, the history of the grotesque is a gradual recognition of the fundamentally realistic characteristic of the Grotesque, which is distinct from the mimetic realism of the Classical (xviii-xix). Bakhtin offers another powerful narrative on the history of the grotesque, or the intricate relation of the grotesque and realism. The grotesque and realism are almost synonymous for Bakhtin, as is epitomized in his core term of grotesque realism. Grotesque realism, which lower[s] all that is high, spiritual, ideal, abstract and is opposed to severance from the material and bodily roots of the world, is culminated in the literature of the Renaissance after the medieval culture of folk humor(19-20, 32). As starkly opposed to classical aesthetics, grotesque realism is closely linked to some other central concepts of Bakhtin, like the carnival spirit, the material bodily principle, folk humor, or the ambivalent and regenerating laughter of the people. Bakhtin also historicizes the concept of the grotesque, confining grotesque realism to the Renaissance grotesque, although he underscores the living tradition of Renaissance grotesque realism in world literature. He explains that the Renaissance grotesque is reduced and transformed in later periods, and thus the Romantic grotesque (and the modernist grotesque) is more like an individual carnival, marked by a vivid sense of isolation, losing laughters regenerating power.(37). One notable element in Bakhtins historicization of the grotesque is, however, that the eighteenth-century grotesque is almost invisible between the Renaissance grotesque and the Romantic grotesque. One reason would be, as Bakhtin implies, that the eighteenth century directly inherited the Renaissance grotesque but also embedded the elements of classicism or cold rationalism: a time that the positive bodily hyperbole of Rabelais and the bourgeois disciplined body were uncomfortably commingled and intensely struggled with each other. Thus the eighteenth-century grotesque was the space in which the Renaissance struggle between the Grotesque and the Classical was continued in a displaced form of the struggle between the lingering force of the Renaissance grotesque and now ascending bourgeois rationalism, classical bourgeois reason. The Augustan formal verse satire of Dryden, Pope, or Swift played out the unprecedentedly intense contention between the classical-rational and the grotesque through an odd mixture of refined, sophisticated forms and disorderly, brimming-over contents. Swift also embodies the bitter conflict of the classical-rational and the grotesque through (the relation of) the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos in Gullivers Travels, a Menippean satire and a novel, which remarkably displays the peculiar characteristic of the eighteenth-century grotesque. Although critics have increasingly acknowledged that Gullivers Travels is a Menippean satire, there are few detailed readings of the work in the Menippean tradition, particularly in relation to Bakhtins concept of the genre as an authentic precursor of the novel. While scrutinizing the relation of the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos as a privileged locus of the Swiftian grotesque, the political dimension of the grotesque will be revealed, which is embedded in the Yahoos as an allegory of the Irish, or colonial subjects, and then briefly examine the political dimension of (low) realism. The Menippean fantastic usually generates three effects, which are fully used in Gullivers Travels. First, the fantastic adventure provides a new, non-human perspective that defamiliarizes our accustomed world, or debunks our habitual, human-centered way of thinking. As Bakhtin describes, it provoke[es] and test[s] a truth by using the observation from some unusual point of view, from on high, for example, which results in a radical change in the scale of the observed phenomena of life(116). Secondly, the Menippean fantastic engages popular imagination or a comic, carnivalesque spirit; the popularity of Gullivers Travels, particularly as a classic childrens book, is considerably indebted to this folkloric imagination embedded in the fantastic. Thirdly, the fantastic offers an occasion to critique the authors (and the assumed readers) contemporary reality, usually by imagining an upside-down world or a Utopian society. In the imagined spaces of Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, or Houyhn hnmland (or Yahooland), Swift cuttingly criticizes the domestic policies of England as well as the overall imperialism of Europe. Gullivers first meal at the Brobdingnagian farmers house illustrates how the three levels of the fantastic-ultimate questions, popular laughter, and a critique of contemporary reality-are simultaneously generated in Gullivers Travels. When the farmers wife gave him something to eat and drink, Gulliver says he: made her a low bow, took out my knife and fork, and fell to eat, which gave them exceeding delight .1 took up the vessel with much difficulty in both hands, and in a most respectful manner drank to her ladyships health, expressing the words as loud as I could in English, which made the company laugh so heartily, that I was almost deafened with the noise. (85). To imagine Gulliver taking out his fork and knife from his magic pockets, in which he seems to have everything necessary wherever he is stranded, is certainly hilarious. Apart from that, why is this scene full of humor, and why does the reader participate in the Brobdingnagians delight and laughter at Gullivers actions? To use knife and fork in eating is a common custom in eighteenth-century Europe, and to drink to her ladyships health in a most respectful manner is also a well-mannered behavior. Yet from the perspective of the Brobdingnagians, to whom Gulliver is like a small dangerous animal or a strange animal at first (83, 90), his socially tailored and overly polite behaviors could look affected or ridiculous mostly because of the incongruity between a strange animal and his pretense to be a perfectly civilized man. Their giant perspective makes us see Gullivers pride in his being a gentleman who acts according to the social code, and by extension, the pride of all humankind in his or her exclusive claim to high civilization. Moreover, a non-human view renders the European manner of using knife and fork or making a gallant compliment on the hostess not so much absolute social etiquette but one cultural custom among many cultural possibilities. To Brobdingnagians, it makes little difference whether a small animal like Gulliver uses knife and fork (as in Europe) or his fingers (as in some other cultures), although using fingers for food is an unequivocal sign of barbarism from a European perspective. Likewise, a humble showing of gratitude for food would be as good as a showy display of a toast for the hostess in a Brobdingnagians view. The Olympian perspective of the Brobdingnagians, which almost innocently exposes the limited view of human beings, also serves as a device of a severe attack on human folly or pride. When Gulliver finished his talking of[his] own beloved country, the Brobdingnagin king could not forbear taking [Gulliver] up in his right hand, and stroking [him] gently with the other, after an hearty fit of laughing, asked [him] whether [he was] a Whig or a Tory. Then turning to his first ministerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ he observed how contemptible a thing was human grandeur, which could be mimicked by such diminutive insects as I (100). What makes the kings rhetorical question incisive does not derive from any political considerations but from the sheer size difference between the king and Gulliver; the kings gesture of stroking [Gulliver] gently with his left hand nullifies a pressing problem in eighteenth-century England into a trivial or meaningless one. The exorbitant pride and atrociousness of humans, w hich the king points out repeatedly, looks more preposterous in the frame where giants are human and Gulliver is a diminutive insect. We humans become the most pernicious race of little odious vermin or an impotent and groveling an insect (123, 125) from a Brobdingnagianss view. Laughter is reduced to the level of bitterness here. The fantastic convention of Menippean satire is entangled with another main convention of the genre: metamorphosis. Gullivers travels into fantastic lands are coextensive with his experiences of metamorphosis into a strange, monstrous, unnatural or grotesque being. Metamorphosis, like the fantastic, holds a formal generic significance as opposed to the classical aesthetics of high genres. It destroy[s] the epic and tragic wholeness of a person and his fate: the possibility of another person and another life are revealed in himà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ he ceases to coincide with himself, as Bakhtin notes. To compare Gullivers fantastic travels and Odysseuss epic journey around their encounter with a monster and its effect on their identities is illuminating. When Odysseus confronts a savage monster, Polyphemus, it is his fate and his character to defeat the Cyclops by using his wiles, as is evidenced in Polyphemus later recall of the prophecy. Throughout his long journey, Odysseuss identity nev er changes, despite his varied disguises, with any encounters with monsters, like Charibdis, Scylla, or Circe. The boundary between a hero and a monster, or the self and the other, cannot be blurred in Odysseus. In contrast, Gullivers encounters with giant Brobdingnagians, which he understandably regarded as monsters at first (seven monsters like himself came toward him 82), shakes his identity to the core. While the Brobdignagians regard themselves as humans, it is Gulliver who becomes a monster, or an unnatural anomaly among those humans. The scholars of Brobdingnag unanimously conclude that Gulliver is Lusus Naturae, or a freak of nature (98). Metamophorsis assumes a permeating line between a hero and a monster, and Gullivers experience of being transformed into a monster among the pigmy Lilliputians or the giant Brobdingnagians (as far as to see himself as a freak) manifests a different concept of self and the other in Menippean satire from that in high genres like The Odyssey. While Odysseus unfailingly defeats various monsters in his way home to reestablish his (social) identity, Gulliver suffers being transformed into grotesque figures in his fantastic adventures only to be mad when he is back home. Gullivers experience as a grotesque being is not only significant in the frame of the fantastic but also holds a strong social resonance-to people in the margin or periphery, a metaphoric transformation into a grotesque being is neither rare nor bizarre, anyway. Gullivers odd trials in Brobdingnag or Lilliput not only involve becoming a symbolic monster, like a diminutive insect or Man-Mountain, but also signify being thrown into a socially abject, precarious position, like a slave or a highly vulnerable courtier. In Brobdingnag, Gulliver has to go through the ignominy of being carried about for a monster, till [he is] half dead with weariness and vexation since now he is [his] masters slave (92, 93, 95). Likewise, despite the high title of Nardac in Lilliput, Gulliver is notified of his friends generous proposal to get him blind and eventually starved to death as an alternative to capital punishment, on which Gulliver says having never been designed for a courtier either by my birth or educationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 1 could not discover the lenity and favor of this sentence (69). Gullivers denial of his own identity, or the denial of his monstrosity among the normal inhabitants of Brobdignag, certainly anticipates his total conversion in Houyhnhnmland, his ardent wish to be like the Houyhnhnms and the insistent denial of his Yahooness. And as much as the fantastic lands are overlapped with the real world, Gullivers denial of his abject, grotesque identity so as to be like his dominant masters comes to signify the split identity of a colonial subject. In fact, Gullivers shifting and conflicting subject positions (as a colonized and a colonizer) throughout the whole narrative prepares him for his ultimate madness, a total split identity between his Yahooness and his desire to be a Houyhnhnm. The eventual madness of Gulliver, who always keep[s his] nose well stopped with rue, lavender, or tobacco leaves to avoid the [offensive] smell of a Yahoo (271), or converse[s] with [his horses] at least four hours every day to improve his virtue (266), reflects not so much Swifts stark misanthropy but a common Menippean experiment with a split self. As is typical of Menippean satire, Gullivers madness contains a comic element. Even the most serious reader would smile at the moments like as soon as I entered the house, my wife took me in her arms, and kissed me, at which having not been used to the touch of that odious animal for so many years, I fell in a swoon for almost an hour (265), or I feel my spirits revived by the smell [the groom] contracts in the stable (266). Scattered throughout Bakhtins works, we can find references to Swift as a central author in the eighteenth century, who inherited and developed the Renaissance grotesque and Menippean imagination: the contents of the carnival-grotesque elementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ were preservedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ in the work of Swift; this line of experimental fantasicality continuesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ in Rabelais, Swift, Voltaire and others. Yet there seem to be some notable differences between the Renaissance or Rabelaisian grotesque (that Bakhtin stresses) and the Swiftian grotesque. A conspicuous example of this difference is the peculiar image of the body in Swift, his excremental vision, or the hallmark of his scatological imagery. Bakhtin explains that in Rabelaiss grotesque realism, the bodily element is deeply positive it is opposed to severance from the material and bodily roots of the world (19). As any reader would remark, however, the body image in Gullivers Travels is hard to be described as deeply positive. Swifts body is rather full of filthy, despicable, ugly, burdensome, obscene, or scatological images. Gullivers description of the monstrous breast of a nurse in Brobdingnag ( the hue both of [the nipple] and the dug so varified with spots, pimples and freckles, that nothing could appear more nauseous 87), or of a woman beggar in the country with a cancer in her breast, swelled to a monstrous size, full of holes (105), is only a couple of memorable examples that display negative images of the body in Gullivers Travels. Swifts body also does not involve the image of brimming-over, ambivalence, or regeneration, which Bakhtin asserts are the core principles of the material bodily lower stratum in the Renaissance grotesque. In Gullivers Travels the exaggerated bodily image becomes deplorable repletion, from which all diseases arise (233), or the ultimate culprit of bodily diseases. Human beings are sick because we eat when we were not hungry, and drank without the provocation o f thirst (233), as Gulliver mentions to his master Houhynhnm. Gullivers Travels embodies the intimate relation of the grotesque-allegorical and realism in its own peculiar manner. Gullivers Travels is a crucial work in the discussion of realism in the novel partly because it illustrates how grotesque aesthetics, a crucial part of low realism, positively invokes the authors bad contemporary reality. If realism still matters, one reason lies in that it evokes the embroiled relation between text and world, the real world in which all kinds of oppression, constraints, or injustice-i. e. the objects of Swifts satire-are still happening. It is not surprising that the definition of realism is so various as to seem nearly meaningless, for the definition of reality is so much different as that of realism, depending on each individual or each period; terms like psychological realism, fantastic realism, or historical realism, already imply what the user of the term thinks is the fundamental reality-psychology, fantasy, or history. The political dimension of realism constitutes an integral part of it since realism involves an inevitable question of whose reality is at sta ke. Houyhnhnmland is also Yahooland, according to whose reality is dominant. The Houyhnhnms have had debates for ages about the extermination of the Yahoos, but the Yahoos in turn seem to be ready to have rebellion or mutiny, given a provocation, like the inhabitants of Lindalino. Swift gives a most horrible form to the Yahoos, and even does not give a voice to them: they only howl. However, he makes the reader see that Houyhnhnmland is also Yahooland, not explicitly nevertheless, but still powerfully and disturbingly.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Dixons Hrm Brief
Human Resource Management Functional Brief Dixons Group’s decision to reorientate the business around serving the customer has had far reaching implications for Human Resource Management (HRM). The emphasis on first-class customer service is intended to help Dixons differentiate itself from its online competitors. The decision to stress personal, face-to-face interactions is clearly something that online competitors will be unable to replicate and if this can be turned into a source of competitive advantage for the company then it represents a sound strategic move.The strategy does, however, hinge on Dixons being able to deliver this excellent customer service. The very face-to-face nature of service delivery means that it can only be provided through the employees of Dixons group which, in turn, means that human resource management is pivotal. This shift in emphasis is best illustrated by the two delivery drivers in the video of the customer plan who comment that when deliver ing goods ‘we shouldn’t just be saying â€Å"sign here†and then running off. We should give them [the customer] that experience’. http://www. dixonsretail. com/dixons/templates/modules/video. jsp) Aligning HRM strategy with this shift in business strategy has considerable implications for Dixons employees. With employee turnover at 15% – a low level for a retail organisation – the majority of employees affected by the change have spent time working under the previous system. This means that a significant amount of retraining is necessary to ensure that employees both know and are able to implement the new strategy.At the heart of the new strategy is the idea of solving problems for the customer. As Group Chief Executive, Sebastian James points out ‘When customers come in and say they want a television what they actually mean is that they want to do something – they want to watch the game, entertain the kids†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Traini ng Dixons staff to help solve the customers’ problems involves ensuring that they not merely have excellent product knowledge but also the know how to provide ancillary services around the product.Dixons achieves this through a mixture of techniques, for example workshops and e-learning. Techniques to help the employees remember the key features of particular products are also employed. Through a clear, customer orientated approach, Dixons hopes to be able to help solve their customers’ problems, rather than simply sell them a box. This training has cost Dixons a great deal of money, with all staff having been through at least three cycles of retraining.These efforts, however, appear to be bearing fruit with significantly improved customer advocacy measures. The percentage of customers who are ‘very likely to recommend’ Dixons has risen from 43% to 73% since 2010 (Dixons Annual Report and Accounts 2011/12, p. 9). The Dixons case illustrates how the alignme nt of business strategy with people strategy is important in achieving organisational objectives. The customer metrics appear to be improving and it will be interesting to see how this impacts on the financial performance of the business.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Ethics, Intellectual Property, And Piracy - 1379 Words
Personal and business ethics in an ever-expanding technological world are challenged in many different ways. Multiple communication methods and the availability of the Internet have made a large world much smaller in the context of information sharing, so the importance of understanding and utilizing measures to protect intellectual property and copyrights is vital to business success, ethical understanding and acceptance. In the following, I will specifically discuss the concepts of copyright, intellectual property, and piracy. Copyrights are a form of intellectual property, and the concepts of piracy and plagiarism threatens the viability and integrity of both. Understanding these concepts helps shape individual and business codes of ethics. Copyright and Intellectual Property Copyrights are defined by the United States Copyright office as â€Å"original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works†(Copyright Basics, n.d.). The laws protect these works whether they are published or not. Copyright laws protect these works from their time of inception and are not required to be registered, though registration assists notifying the public about the work and makes it easier for original owners to lay claim to the copyright if it has been infringed upon. Copyright laws can be traced all the way back to the early 1700’s when the first laws were enacted to protect the works of individuals. According to the IntellectualShow MoreRelatedA Professional Code Of Ethics1283 Words  | 6 Pagesdistribute intellectual properly and pirate electronic content has increased with the advancements in technology and globalization. As members of the student body, University of the People students must understand the detriments of plagiarism, piracy and ensure they protect Intellectual Property and respect copyright laws. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Schizophrenia And Its Effects On Schizophrenia - 815 Words
The person I chose came from a famous novel and has schizophrenia. According to Mayo Clinic â€Å"Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior. Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia is not a split personality or multiple personality. The word schizophrenia does mean split mind, but it refers to a disruption of the usual balance of emotions and thinking. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition, requiring lifelong treatment.†(Schizophrenia, August 2014). The individual would start showing signs of reduced pleasure in life, difficulty participating in activities, barely speaking,†¦show more content†¦Larry Stein has said that a cause could be hyprdopamine increase causing nerves fibers destroyed in the brain. With the psychodynamic approach of schizophrenia is the breakdown of the person’s ego. Ego con trols the id’s impulses and the compromise of the id and superego. It can cause the person the loose touch with reality and no longer associate with others. The start of hallucinations and not knowing what is imagination from reality. According to post-Freudians â€Å"The therapist attempted to bring about a regression to early childhood and then would take on the role of parent/nurturer, thereby coaxing the patient to develop for a second time, the return to adulthood bringing with it a corresponding redevelopment of the ego and reconnecting them with reality.†(Schizophrenia). Next with behavioral theorist according to psychiatric times, â€Å"The therapeutic techniques used for patients with schizophrenia are based on the general principles of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Links are established between thoughts, feelings, and actions in a collaborative and accepting atmosphere. Agendas are set and used but are generally more flexibly developed than in tradit ional CBT. The duration of therapy varies according to the individual s need, generally between 12 and 20 sessions, but often with an option of ongoing booster sessions. CBT for psychosis usually proceeds through the following phase’s assessment and engagement stage.†(Schizophrenia). During the ABC
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