Saturday, May 23, 2020
Ob in Action Case Study Companies Are Trying to Improve...
OB in Action Case Study: Companies Are Trying to Improve Employee Attitudes during the Recession Introduction â€Å"Creating an effective and productive workplace takes a firm commitment from management even in the best of times†(Ballard, 2012). When the recession hit full force, many companies had to make some difficult decisions. â€Å"In a 2009 survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 68 percent of employed Americans reported that their employers had taken steps such as putting a freeze on hiring or wages, laying off staff, reducing work hours, benefits or pay, requiring unpaid days off or increasing work hours because of the weak economy†(Ballard, 2012). During a period of recession, managers need to understand the†¦show more content†¦In other words, values describe what is essentially important to a person and they form a main part of person’s individual’s identity. Knowledge of values will increase one’s â€Å"understanding of organizational behavior because they influence our behavior across different settings†(Kreitner Kinicki, 2013, p. 152) Shalom Schwartz, a social psychologist, developed a widely accepted value model that consists of 10 human value types. The first value is Power. Power refers to social status, prestige, and the control or dominance over people and resource. The second value is Achievement, which addresses â€Å"personal success through demonstrating competence through social standards†(Kreitner Kinicki, 2013, p. 153). Schwartz’s third value is titled Hedonism. Hedonism is pleasure or happiness in one’s life. His fourth value is Stimulation. This value encompasses excitement, originality, and challenge in a person’s life. The fifth value, Self-direction, refers to independent thought and action through creativity, freedom, and individual choice. The sixth value is Universalism. The motive of this value is â€Å"understanding, appreciation, tolerance and protection of the welfare of all people†¦.†(Kreitner Kinicki, 2013, p. 153). Schwartz’s seventh value, Benevolence, refers to the â€Å"preservation and enhancement of the welfare of people with whom on is in frequent personal contact†(Kreitner Kinicki, 2013, p. 153). His eighthShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Behavior7738 Words  | 31 PagesOrganizational behavior (often abbreviated OB) is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness. That’s a mouthful, so let’s break it down. †¢ To sum up our definition, OB is the study of what people do in an organization and how their behavior affects the organization’s performance. 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Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a databaseRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesmymanagementlab is an online assessment and preparation solution for courses in Principles of Management, Human Resources, Strategy, and Organizational Behavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesknow better) to trivialize this very problematic and challenging subject. This is not the case with the present book. This is a book that deserves to achieve a wide readership. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Supervision And Motivation Go Hand - 1219 Words
Supervision and motivation go hand in hand in their theories. The supervisor needs to follow the theories of motivation to establish themselves as productive supervisors in human services. The supervisor has to recognize the different supervisory roles and apply them in the right situations. I will be discussing the important elements concerning the supervisory process and how they are influenced by the motivation theories. And I will discuss different motivational theories that correlate motivation and supervision. Supervisor roles The position of a supervisor is to have skills and knowledge in areas of evaluating programs, planning, developing human resources, organizing and budgeting. The supervisor has to be responsible for their performance along with the performance of their employees with the services they deliver. The supervisor’s duties include support and encouragement to their employees; carry out continuous assessments on their employees, provide objective and prompt feedback, build motivation, enhance the employee’s patience in their service delivery and increase individual goals. To empower their employees the supervisor has to run a successful organization by using their knowledge and skills to empower their employees. The supervisor uses evaluations of his or her employees to gain feedback in order to determine how the employees are doing. Through the evaluations the supervisor is able to provide the employees with the knowledge for them to be able toShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Hu man Motivation Essay1091 Words  | 5 Pagesleadership framework assumes to be money and simple rewards. Two main theories of human motivation have influenced the transactional framework: Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Douglas McGregor’s Theory X. 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JC Casino has the potential to continue their success with the right team which consists of upper management, management, and employees. Motivational theory Motivation guides, initiates and maintain positive behaviors. Motivation consists of social, biological, emotional or cognitive behaviors. Many motivational theories can help an organization continue its success if implemented. The reinforcement theory can produces productivity ReinforcementRead MoreThe Corruption Of The Fraud Triangle1640 Words  | 7 Pagesthe three elements of the fraud triangle are important and how all three elements were present in Helen’s case. The three elements of the fraud triangle are Motivation or Pressure, Opportunity and Rationalization. After reading the case, it was revealed that all of the three elements are present the Helen’s fraudulent activities. Motivation: This is a reason for why the fraudsters commit frauds. It provides the basis for the individual to commit the unethical act. 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While giving perfect examples, he has explained how one needs to go past their comfort zone to learn more in order to be successful alongside positive hierarchical development. One of the core element of supervision is havingRead MoreIt Is No Secret That Google Has Been Declared One Of The893 Words  | 4 Pagescontribute to a positive workplace culture. Thus, Google employees are well paid, receive many perks, as well as the flexibility to prevent strain that accompanies having a work/ family imbalance. Commonly assessed work values are pay, promotions, supervision, coworkers, the work itself, Altruism, Status, and Environment. Because Google highly considers these factors, Google employees are known to have high levels of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is defined as â€Å"a pleasurable emotional state resultingRead MoreResponsibilities Of A Leader Is A Issue With Delegation903 Words  | 4 Pages We must be careful not to micromanage people to death†(Finzel, 2007, p. 114). When supervisors delegate, he or she is giving the supervisee the freedom to decide how the job will be done. Thus, another meaning of dirty delegation, on the other hand, is that a supervisor is constantly looking over the shoulders of those asked to do the work (Finzel, 2007). Consequently, it is a privilege to lead, however it is critical for leaders to remember that they were not always leaders; a good leaderRead MoreLeadership Is The Soul Of The Organization Essay1628 Words  | 7 Pagesdoes the things rightly. The role of leader is same as someone is taking the responsibility of â€Å"carrying the flag†to command to the destination. Leadership is basically the way for others to reach the overall goal. Leader is responsible for the supervision and the guidance for the subordinates. Its role is just like an efficient input from where the effective output is to be generated. Leader has a point of view’, a guide line to be followed, they challenge the unexpected future challenges. They
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Pedicure and Dressing Area Free Essays
Client: Excuse me. Where would I find body lotion? Lucy: Body lotion? Have a look in the makeup section, in isle 4. Client: Actually, I did and there wasn’t any. We will write a custom essay sample on Pedicure and Dressing Area or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lucy: I’m sorry. Let me get some from De back. Do you need anything else? Client: Yes. I couldn’t find any nail file. Lucy: Ooh. I’m sorry, but we don’t have any nail file at the moment. Client: Oh, no. Don’t tell me that. Mom is going to kill me. I lost her nail file yesterday, so I need to get new one. Lucy: I’m sorry to hear that. Where is my nail file Let’s see, it will be 80 dollars in all. But you can charge it to your room. Great. Thank you. By the way, how much will the massage and the facial? I don’t have much cash on me. Sure. Let me show you to the dressing area. Mom. That’s a long time. Can I get massage in the meantime? For around 20 minutes. How long do I have to wait? Of course, but you might have to wait. There’s someone ahead of you. Good morning. WSDL it be possible to get facial? Can I help you, Ms’ Mary: I’m Mary. I have a 4 o’clock appointment for a manicure with Lisa. Receptionist: get a facial in the meantime? Receptionist: I’m sorry we don’t have anything until 5. Mary: Oh no. What about a massage. Receptionist: Yes. Please let me show you the dressing area. Mary: Thank you. One more question. Is it customary to tip the staff? Receptionist: Well, that’s up to you. But most clients give one or two dollars. How to cite Pedicure and Dressing Area, Papers
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